Thursday, October 14, 2010

PE3 - Garage Band - Getting your Compositions and Music Out (Part 3/3)

In this practicum I learned that it is extremely easy to get all sorts of media into Garage Band and even compose using a MIDI keyboard.  But this made me wonder, was Garage Band like "Hotel California" where you can checkin anytime you like but you can never leave? What are the options for moving things out of Garageband to share and remix?  It turns out that Garage Band offers nearly every option a audio enthusiast or musician could want.

Garage Band Export Options
 After you are done with your composition, you can send it to:
  • iTunes
  • a Ringtone for your phone
  • a PodCast
  • an MP3 (Export Song to Disk)
  • or to a physical CD
In short, Apple gets it.  They are supporting the remix culuture in which we currently live.  Other companies are not so flexible with their output and export options. 

For those working with MIDI files, Garage Band will even let you output sheet music.  Is this exciting or what?  Now I can finally finish my Cello quartet, broadway musical, and opera.   Garage Band is more than just a drag and drop loop remixer.  It is a full featured studio program and I haven't even tried using a guitar or microphone.  I wanted to try filters and create an autotune filter and then sing a song, but there's always next week. The sheet music I printed for the Happy Song in Part #1 shown below.

Musical Score from Garage Band

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I had used Garage Band a little because of concerns about violating copyright laws, but I had not realized it allows the user to output sheet music. Interesting. I didn't think of Garage Band as a full featured studio program. Reading your blog made me decide to take a closer look at Garage Band.
